
椋浩平(88分) 【ジュビロ上小野郷グラウンド】磐田東高校 1-2 四日市中央工業高校【岩】宮本健吾(44分) [ 4] 山川裕也 (55分)

This is an "About Us" page. You are supposed to fill it with some information on your website or your company. People usually write about history of the company or about the website - why it was created, when, etc. If there are more than one person who supports the website you may consider writning about each memeber of your team.

jpconsulting・play SPOTO(2023年3月1日発売) 早稲田大学広瀬教授とbiima sportsが運動能力向上を目的に共同開発